One of the newest trends now is this video sharing application called Tiktok. Many have discovered that this application is fun. Creating, sharing, dancing, and singing to their favourite music video has gone viral all over the world. During this pandemic time, it is not just young people who are fascinated by this app but also elderly people who love to dance and sing. Many users are attracted by Tiktok in so many ways.

This application is so easy to use, easy to edit videos, and easy to post and can reach all users all over the world. That is why many are using this application because it is convenient to use and easy to reach more people all over the world. But is it also easy to delete Tiktok videos? Let us know the steps on how to delete the TikTok video.
Steps on How to Delete Videos on Tiktok
Tiktok is for all ages. Many children can be seen all over that they are using Tiktok just for fun. But also most of them do not know their limitations in using Tiktok. Parents need to check on their children especially when they are still minors. They sometimes forget their limitations on posting their Tiktok videos.
Here are the steps on how to delete your videos on Tiktok:
- Open the Tik Tok Application.
- Tap on the profile icon. At the bottom right corner of the screen, the icon that looks like a silhouette of a person is the profile icon.
- Look for the video to be deleted.
- Tap the video and after tapping the video it will open and start playing.
- The next step on how to delete video tik tok is different for Android users and IOS users. For Android users look for the three-dot icon on the right side of the screen and IOS tap the share icon. All of these icons can be seen on the right side of the video. After tapping the icon there is a menu that will slide up from the bottom.
- The next step on how to delete tik tok video is to tap the delete icon. In this case, again, the location of the delete button is different for IOS and Android users. For IOS it can be found on the last icon of the second row while on android it is the last icon on the first row.
- Next is to tap the “confirm” button for the IOS users and “delete” for the android users. After tapping this the video will now disappear on the Tik Tok channel.
Alternatively, you could also search for an online reputation management agency for assistance or at least solve the issues encountered if the above method does not work out for you. Other than removing videos, they are usually specialised in assisting clients to delete Google reviews, non-consensual images, negative search results and so on.
Why are some Users Wanted to Know How to Delete Tik Tok Permanently
For some parents who are already aging and do not know how this goes, it would be a little hard for them to follow the steps, even though the process of how to remove Tik Tok video could be easy. For this new trend in social media, this also needs time to explore the app, and to know the functions. Many users said that it was really hard for them to use Tik Tok for the first time and also many users are complaining that they are receiving many negative comments and been bashed many times because of their video content. Which are some of them leads to their decision on deleting their Tik Tok application permanently? Most of them cannot stand negative comments from their followers. While others may want to remove it as they have unfortunately become the revenge porn‘s victim. The first thing that comes to their mind is how to delete Tik Tok permanently?
Why is Important to Know the Steps on How to Remove Tik Tok
Tik Tok is the same as other social networks, very risky and not safe for kids to use without the supervision of an adult. When signing up in Tik Tok the account can be set to public by default so this means everybody can see all posted videos and can receive messages directly and which is not safe for kids is that the location can be found and used when the account is set to public. That is why on this app parent’s guidance is needed. Kids should know how to set the settings on their Tik Tok account. It can be set to “Friends” instead of “Everyone”. So from here, users can be sure that people who are interacting with them are their friends.

Knowing the steps on how to remove video is important so when the time comes that the user feels that Tik Tok is already toxic they can easily remove or delete their Tik Tok app. Many news sources have heard that Tik Tok security is at risk in some other countries. It has been said that they are collecting private information from the user’s account. But this news has been proved by Tik Tok that it was certainly wrong, they give assurance to their users that using Tik Tok is safe and their pieces of information are secure.
An important thing is that all users should be responsible for posting and making their videos. They should be sure that what are they posting and the videos they are making will be suitable for all ages. Know how to delete Tik Tok private video to limit the post that is just necessary.