Penetration Test: The Real Benefits of Pen Test That You Need to Know

by bizyi on

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing or also knows as pen test that usually conducted by pen test company service provider.

The penetration test consists of as well as CREST Pentest that designated to run the security assessment on your system. Check out LE Global Malaysia that famously known as one of the best security posture assessment service provider in Asia.

Typically, top pen test service providers will have the tester to use the offensive techniques that designed to mirror those real-world attackers.

It is a simulation test that attempts to circumvent the target organization’s network security controls.

In the process, the tester from Pen tester company will gather the security relate information on the in-scope systems. Find out more here about the detailed information that you should know about pen testing services.

At the conclusion gained from the penetration test, any serious or exploitable vulnerability found will be aggregated into a report for the system owners.

Thus, you can use the information gained from the report to bolster the security and fix the loopholes, and prioritize the remediation efforts. Click here to know more.

If the system is not well-secured, then any attacker with ill-intent could disrupt or take authorised access to your system.

Types of Penetration Testing

There are various types of penetration testing which include:

  1. 1. Mobile app penetration testing that enables security analyst to perform deep-dive penetration testing on any app whether it be commercial, internally developed or outsourced.
  2. 2. Wireless network penetration, which using wireless technology can improve the flexibility of your business.
  3. 3. Web app penetration testing helps you to identify vulnerabilities in your application before they can be exploited and offer a solution on the best ways to fix them.

PCI Penetration testing, that allows you to test your PCI compliance and determine the actual real-life threats and risks whilst completing a number of your PCI requirements.

  1. mobile app penetration test malaysia

Obviously, penetration testing is an essential feature that requires to be performed regularly for securing the functioning of a system.

In addition to this, it should be performed whenever –

  • Security system discovered new or possible threats by attackers.
  • Add a new network infrastructure.
  • Relocate to the new office.
  • Set up a new end-user program or policy.
  • Updating the system or install new software.

It is quite sad but true that many of the companies have those incorrect assumptions about penetration testing.

They often schedule this type of project under false expectation such as a single penetration test is enough for the future business.

In addition, some also have this assumption that the company will be sage after the penetration test.

Or the penetration test will find all the vulnerabilities in its environment.

These companies who do the penetration test reasons might not get or understand the real benefits of these services.

The Benefits of Penetration Testing

However, the question is what are the real benefits for the company to frequently running penetration test?

Here are the common benefits of penetration testing.

1. Minimize the risk

For any organization, one of the most prevalent benefits of penetration testing is that will give you the baseline to work upon to tackle the risks in a structured and optimal way.

By conducting the penetration test source code review regularly, it helps to show you the list of vulnerabilities in the target environment and the risks associated with it.

app pentest malaysia

A high order evaluation of the risk will be performed so that the vulnerabilities can be categorised into high, medium and low-risk issues.

The sequence of the risks will able to help you to which to prioritise and tackle the highest the risks accordingly.

2. Secure the trust form client and partners

list of pen testing companies

Indeed, a security breach will be a headache for any organization.

It is not only affecting the target organization but also their associated client, partners or the third parties that working with it.

Conversely, if the company schedules the penetration test frequently and takes necessary action towards security, then you can rest assured for all the problems.

By having frequent swift security assessment service will help the professionals build trust and confidence in the organization and securing the business longevity.

Written by: bizyi