Sky Bar PJ: Is Fine Nightlife in Petaling Jaya Possible?

by bizyi on

What? Is nightlife can be healthy too? These must sound so weird to most of you.

Staying late at night is not healthy generally. In nightlife, the night is young almost every day. People like nightlife, even more, when reaching Friday. Nightlife will never be boarding on the same ship with a healthy lifestyle. However, even though people are aware of the overdose alcoholic drinks can be harmful more to the body, people still love nightlife.

Do you think is it possible?

 restaurant and bar in pj

1.    It Is A Yes When You Choose Rooftop Bar

PJ Nightlife is not only about dancing disco, noisy music and crazy yell from stages, but also glorious view, chilling place for a great chat. These are what the rooftop bar can offer to the customer. The soothing background music, moderate quiet place for your exciting chit-chat either with your partner, friends, and family.

The rooftop bar can’t be as crazy as the clubbing and disco occasions. The rooftop bar is just like any other rooftop restaurant. There are shielding from the top, outdoor swimming pool, fantastic scenery view from the top, comfortable seats, private area and so on.

 pj nightlife

2.    Things Are Different From The Typical Restaurant And Bar

When things go on the rooftop, the ambience is not the same as the typical restaurant and bar anymore. The rooftop restaurant probably will have the same elegant surrounding with the other ordinary restaurant and bar in PJ; possibly will have the identical soft background music; and probably will have the same comfortable seats.

You can’t get a natural breeze when you hooked up at the typical restaurant and bar. However, the rooftop bar is cool enough to let you feel the breeze across your cheek. Remember the windy breeze is not from the air conditioning but from anywhere natural. Also, it depends on the weather of that day, if the day is warmth and please don’t expect much cooler outdoor.

3.    Sky Bar Is A Great Place For A Tired Heart

Sometimes getting enough rest does not recharge your tired heart. Your heart might need a little refreshment from the ordinary routine. The Sky bar is a great place where your weary soul can be re-lifted.

It’s never been better when you want to heal yourself with a bunch of fabulous and good friends. And the Sky bar is the best choice for your happy gathering. While you are standing at the rooftop, the cities are small, and the neon lights may get your head fainted.

There is research support that looks far can release stress and pressure. Thus, when you are having worn out soul or wounded heart, sky bar can be your destined place for chilling out. Drinking and playing around the sky bar surroundings might be a great idea in exposing the best moment to you.

 rooftop restaurant in pj

4.    Rooftop Bar is The Best Bar

Typical restaurant and bar in PJ are everywhere, but the rooftop restaurant and bar are not. The indoor bar is normal, but the outdoor bar is exciting. Rooftop restaurant and bar have the best environment compared to those ordinary ones.

Despite the food and beverage serving on rooftop restaurant and bar, there is nothing more left for you to be picky. That’s is why it is the best bar in PJ.

A great life does not necessarily healthy, but there is much alternative nightlife in Petaling Jaya that considers healthy.

Written by: bizyi