Tips For People Who Want To Buy A Bangi New Property

by bizyi on

Buying a property is not an easy task, especially in current financial circumstance. A lot of people will try to look for the second-hand house for themselves. Although the current situation is very tough for getting a new house, if you are preparing well and armed with all the relevant information, the chance to get the right property in Kajang is never a dream.

So, before you hand over your money or cheque to any bangi property developer, there are few things you should know. Here are the tips for people who want to buy a bangi new property, and some of these tips might change the way you view a new property.

kajang developer

Buy what you want

Before you look for any available bangi house for sale, make sure you purchase for this property will deliver what you want. The exciting bit when it comes to getting a new house for you and your family is undeniable so that some people will make the wrong decision and feel regret after that.

Whether you are first time buyer or not, do not buy what you like. It means that do not make any impulse decision. Lucky for you if you get the right house with the right price, but what if the house you purchase is not what you imagine, and it is not worthy at all. So, be careful if you are looking any available bangi semi d for sale, try to ask yourself whether this property will bring you some profit after 2 or 3 years.

bangi house for sale

Don’t be fooled by developer

Another tip for you when you are looking for a new house in Bangi, do not be fooled by a developer brochure.  Most of the time, the developer will only provide you with the good news, which means it not creditable, or even worse, it is fake news. What they will not tell us what else will be built behind your property.

When you are looking at the Kajang new house project, you have to get to know the developer as well. You should research the Kajang developer in the area where you want to buy. You also should visit the developer other project sites as well. How do the other look? Does the Semenyih house project that developed by them is highly discussed by the nearby community?

You also should not hundred per cent rely on the developer promotional material. Feel what you are buying by visiting websites and local areas. Look at transportation links, do your work trip, walk to local facilities and so on.

semi d for sale bangi

Benefits of buying a new property

Repair & redecoration fee reduce

The benefit that you were purchasing a new property is that you can save a lot of maintenance fee for your self. The repair and redecoration fee should be reduced for the first few years after you purchased the property.

Flexibility in decoration

Another benefit when you are buying a new property is you can select the fixtures and fittings according to your preference. You are able to tailor the interior look of your new house to your taste.


For a new house, the guarantee usually will start with the closing date of the house. An item like electrical appliances typically have one year warranty from the developer, and electrical manufacturers will provide extend guarantees as well.




Written by: bizyi